For Employers
Attract. Retain. Elevate.
Regardless of size and industry, your organization can be a leading workplace strengthening employee retention and attracting top talent from the region and around the world. Vibrant Pittsburgh provides the resources and best practices to create a roadmap to building a workplace culture more apt to exceed your projected targets and outcomes.
Why JoinLearn more about membership:
What We Do
The region’s central resource for workplace development.
Vibrant Pittsburgh moves inclusive workplace cultures past surface-level experiences, deepening the conversations and expanding the resources for meaningful culture change.

Impactful Conversations
Convening stakeholders to learn and collaborate around challenges and opportunities

Authentic Connections
Networking broad talent communities to resources and opportunities

Clear & Intentional Actions
Partnering with employer Members and equipping them with the resources needed to achieve their goals
Our Members Are Hiring
If you are one of the 70% of job seekers who place high-value on inclusive workplaces, our job resources are for you! Members of Vibrant Pittsburgh engage in active commitment to be a leading workplace. With job opportunities available in health care, tech, transportation, engineering, banking, and many more sectors and industries, our members are made up of national and global businesses at the top of their industry.
Our Resources
As the region's central resource, spokesperson, and convener on workplace inclusion, Vibrant Pittsburgh provides established and current best practices to build a leading workplace culture. Vibrant Pittsburgh members can use these resources to improve and extend the impact they are making in their workplaces and the region.
Engage with Vibrant Pittsburgh and peers in the region.