For Employers
Attract. Retain. Elevate.
Regardless of size and industry, your organization can be a workplace DEI leader. Vibrant Pittsburgh can help your business reach its DEI goals with resources and best practices to create a roadmap for success.
Why JoinLearn more about membership:
What We Do
The region’s central resource for workplace inclusion.
Vibrant Pittsburgh moves DEI learning past surface level experiences, extending and deepening the conversations that are crucial for culture change.
Impactful Conversations
Convening stakeholders to learn and collaborate around challenges and opportunities
Authentic Connections
Networking diverse talent to community, resources, and opportunities
Clear & Intentional Actions
Partnering with employer Members and equipping them with the resources needed to achieve their goals
Work in Pittsburgh
If you are looking for an exciting career, there's no better time to choose the Pittsburgh region. With thousands of job opportunities available in health care, tech, transportation, engineering, banking, and many more sectors and industries, the Pittsburgh region is home to national and global employers that are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
DEI Resources
As the region's central resource, spokesperson, and convener on workplace inclusion, Vibrant Pittsburgh provides established and current best practices on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in the workplace. Vibrant Pittsburgh members can use these resources to improve and extend the impact they are making in their workplaces and the region.