Our member benefits offer key activities and provide customized resources and support.

Vibrant membership provides the structure and strategies to build a workplace culture that is more apt to exceed your projected targets and outcomes. Regardless of size and industry, your organization can be a leading workplace, strengthening employee retention and attracting top talent from the region and around the world.


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The Competitive Advantage

Vibrant Pittsburgh is Making Workplaces Attractive for Top Talent

Vibrant Pittsburgh provides the expertise and leadership to our region’s organizations to support future-forward workplaces where all employees thrive. We’re opening minds and doors to a wide range of talent.

The advantages of inclusive workplace cultures are clear:

Inclusive cultures maximize the potential of their employees and are:
  • 2x as likely to meet or exceed financial targets
  • 3x as likely to be high-performing
  • 6x as likely to be innovative and agile
  • 8x as likely to achieve better business outcomes.
Leadership that demonstrates inclusive values experience a:
  • 17% increase in team performance
  • 20% increase in team decision-making quality
  • 29% increase in team collaboration.
Top talent want inclusive workplace cultures2:
  • 80% of people say inclusion is important when choosing an employer
  • 39% of people would leave their current organization for a more inclusive one

Sources: 1, 2