What is the DEI Pledge?

Increasingly, organizations in the Pittsburgh region are showing their commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the workplace. It is imperative that a lens of purpose and intentionality be at the forefront. A pledge can help cement the foundation that steers these efforts. It establishes a promise of values stitched into the fabric of an organization’s identity; values the organization commits to and is responsible for upholding. A pledge also creates a framework that outlines the goals and objectives organizations can aspire to obtain.

As Pittsburgh’s central resource, spokesperson and regional convener on workforce diversity, equity, and inclusion, it is our responsibility to communicate a framework that emphasizes the cornerstones of DEI. The Vibrant Pittsburgh DEI Pledge outlines key practices organizations can commit to as a Vibrant Pittsburgh member, which would, in turn, guide them towards a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive regional workplace. The Vibrant Pittsburgh DEI Pledge is meant to channel key, evidence-based values, goals, and objectives that will focus organizational intention. It will launch organizations into a journey towards building an inclusive, diverse work environment.

The Vibrant Pittsburgh DEI Pledge outlines a set of strategies and actions that signatory organizations will take to collectively create a more inclusive, diverse, and equitable Pittsburgh region. As a member of Vibrant Pittsburgh, signing this pledge and committing to these tenants of DEI is voluntary, but highly encouraged.

The Pledge

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are the catalysts that will redefine the future of the Pittsburgh region. As the leader of my organization and a regional business partner, I commit to implementing the following pledge within my organization for regional success:

1. Publicly establish diversity, equity, and inclusion as business priorities.

2. Track internal demographic information as it relates to DEI in the organization.

3. Dialogue about DEI within the workplace culture.

4. Amplify the voices of underrepresented groups in the workplace.

5. Participate in a Vibrant Pittsburgh membership:

  • Participation in the Vibrant Index
  • Utilization of training opportunities offered complimentarily as part of membership level
  • Encouragement of employees to participate in Vibrant Pittsburgh webinars and seminars
  • Participation in Vibrant Pittsburgh Employee Engagement Networks (Allegheny Allies, D&I Forum, EBRG Council, Next Generation Council)

Vibrant Pittsburgh is committed to supporting your organization on the road to fulfilling each of the Pledge commitments.


VIEW DEI Pledge Signatures

Sign the Pledge

If your member organization is interested in signing the Vibrant Pittsburgh DEI Pledge, please contact Matthew Yohe, Member Engagement Manager. Please Note: Only Vibrant Pittsburgh members will be allowed to sign the pledge.

Interested in becoming a Member? Schedule a Vibrant Pittsburgh interest meeting here.