Pittsburgh Has Work To Do and We Can Help

Current and future talent increasingly value inclusive workplaces and deeply examine an employer’s culture when deciding to take a job or relocate. It is clear that Pittsburgh employers need to harness the opportunity of inclusive workplace cultures to increase the supply of top talent and impact perceptions of the region. Still, many employers struggle to understand structures, practices, and policies that create inclusive cultures and lack the tools and insight necessary to create a meaningful culture change. Sound familiar? We can help!


At Vibrant Pittsburgh, we believe that cultures of belonging positively impact an organization’s ability to attract, retain, and elevate the best talent.

Research has proven that inclusive workplace cultures positively impact an organization’s ability to attract, retain, and engage top talent. Vibrant’s objective is to support building leading workplaces that strengthen employee retention, attract top talent, and develop cultures more apt to exceed projected targets and outcomes. We accomplish this by:

  • Convening stakeholders and forging connections to learn and collaborate around challenges and opportunities.
  • Partnering with employer Members and equipping them with the resources needed to achieve their goals.
  • Networking broad talent communities to resources and opportunities.

Our goal is a region made of leading inclusive workplace cultures that catalyze economic growth and prosperity for all.